Sunday, July 27, 2008

Power of the BAD eye...

A couple of posts below I was talking about my parents, how much fun they had on vacation in Puerto Rico last month (dad got sick in Philadelphia & they missed a day or two of their vacation) & how my whole family is on vacation now in Lake Tahoe for a few days. I got a call from my sister this morning very early, saying they had been robbed in Tahoe, the very nice large mansion that they had rented, was broken in to while they spent the day at the beach. They are upset, the kids are upset & they are coming home, the place was gone through pretty bad, they lost a couple of cameras & a DVD player that belonged to my sister's little boy. Which I am replacing since his birthday is just next week.

Why is this post called Power of the Bad eye, well because in my culture & in fact many of the oldest cultures in the world including Christianity, we are warned of people being envious of others & what they have & to watch out for this.

My friends in Turkey always tell me not to speak so much of the greatness of my family & my life, just in case a person who is listening, would feel envious & without them even knowing it, the Bad eye or (as the Italians call it & have made glass beads for it for thousands of years) the Evil Eye would show its true colors.

You may not know the whole story of people's lives. For example, how my parents trip to puerto Rico was a gift & a result of saving for many months to be able to go, or my sister & her family saved for months so they can go on this trip to Lake Tahoe, what you hear is not always as Rosy as it sounds, life is good, one should never be envious of others lives, just be happy for them. I have a Friend in California who's grandparents are from Mexico & the Evil eye is commonly known in her day to day life as the Haters, those who can not stand the happiness of others, so they COVET & or are ENVIOUS of what they think they do not have.

So today I am sad for my family, for their vacation going bad, but you know what, I am happy for them always, as their hearts are good & they are safe & sound.

Jelveh. Peace


Anonymous said...

i'm so sorry for your family...isn't it sad that we might have to be careful of mentioning the good things...doesn't make sense, but i also know that there are people out there that just can't stand it when someone else is experiencing good things in their lives. take care jelveh, lisa d., oregon.

jelveh Designs said...

No Worries Lisa girl, they are fine, I spoke to them again yesterday. On their way home, they were having yummy ice cream & the Coldstone Creamery, they told me all about how my mom & my brother won a ton of money at the casinos. Well deserved. Life is good, all is good, thanks for the kind words.

Anonymous said...

What a shame that these words are even in the dictionary. I will never understand why people can't be happy for others. I know all too well the evil deeds that jealousy can inspire. Those inflicted with the Evil Eye, the HATERS and the JEALOUS that COVET others happiness and talents will never be happy until they accept who they are. They must stop wishing they were someone else or have what others have and embrace WHO they are. It is a sickness in their mind that tortures them daily, while the genuinely happy people deal with the little speed bumps in life and then move on. We are happy, content and so blessed because we do not envy or covet. KARMA has a way of dealing with the likes of people that sport the Evil Eye. I'm so glad to hear they are safe and well. Peace and Love, Elizabeth Bead Diva

jelveh Designs said...

Thanks Elizabeth, they are great, they are getting ready for their trip to England, they are coming to see us for month, I can not wait, I miss them so much...
oh yeah,