Saturday, December 19, 2009
Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays & Happy New Year...
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Leftovers & More...
this past weekend I managed to list a ton of beads as promised...I will have a couple of new yummy sets, focal beads & leftover sets by Thursday 2pm California time in my etsy shop...
On Wednesday last week I had a quick, as in short intro class to bead making with the nice people in the photo below...Sharon, Lisa & Kevin...Lisa was a natural, Sharon's beads looked really good for a beginner & Kevin did great too...he is also a boro artist, although we had very little boro glass at the studio, he did come back on Sat for about an hour & showed a bit of boro, the second picture is the swan he made for us...he is going to come back to our studio to teach a 2 day intro to off mandrel boro class sometime around spring vacation 2010, I will keep you posted of the dates...
Graceful Studios News: We have added a calendar of events to our blog upcoming dates of note are my lampworking class on Sunday the 6th from 9am to 2pm, & the Christmas Boutique on Sunday December 20th from 10am to 4pm...see you at the studio...
Last week's two yummy focal beads go to Amy, send your addy girl...for this week I have very special bead, I love love this apple core bead with a modified harlequin design...I was going to list it in my shop, then I realized I did not have a yummy bead for the giveaway, so now you can enter to win it by making a comment on this post...
Thanks for stopping by...Life is good...
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Happy Thanksgiving...

I have an appointment this morning, then at 1pm I am teaching a 2 hour class to 4 students at the studio...then after than I am that is the plan...
I ask myself where is the time to add new beads, I have them I promise, I have a couple of pairs of earrings too & a few pendants...I have added a few items to the shop already & I will add the rest of the goodies to my etsy shop between now & Sunday night I am sure...
Last week's yummy bead goes to acptuser, please send your address...for this week I have 2 yummy focal beads for your beading pleasure, one person will win both of them, enter to win them by making a comment on this post about anything you like or what you are thankful for...
over the weekend we had a Rock Carving Class at the Studio, it was a great 3 day class & lots of fun was had by all, I took a couple of photos when I stopped by on Sat after my yoga class...
Well I am off to my appointment then to teach & then to cook & then to add more goodies to the shop...
Thanks for stopping by...Life is good...
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Beady Wednesday, I mean Thursday...
Over the weekend we saw the movie 2012, it was good but it was about 30 minutes too long...I mean really no one edits anything anymore...half way through I am thinking do we really need yet another climatic scene of another plane taking off just before the runway caves in? I think we are over stimulated as a people already...
oh yeah we are here for beads, I had a great time making a bunch of yummy beads...I am going to start listing them in my etsy shop after I blog today & until Thursday eve the keep an eye is a photo of what is coming, plus I am adding a few other items like finished earrings & pendant necklaces & yes a bit of silver findings too...I am thinking Toggles...
Last week's yummy dichro bead goes to lucky Kristen, please send your address...this week's bead is large focal from my Ribbon Tornado series with bubble eyes...enter to win it by making a comment on this post, love to hear about your holiday plans...
Graceful Studios News: We are going to start having monthly get together at our studio in Gilroy, each party will have a theme, first one will be in Jan 2010 & theme is hearts, every one should bring a heart related glass, bead, piece of art or jewelry with them to the party, we will have open torch for a few hours, a bit of nosh food & a ton of fun sharing & being...oh yeah I almost forgot we will enter everyone's name in a drawing to win some goodies, January's giveaway will be $25.00 in Glass Rods...more on this later...
Thanks for stopping by...Life is good...
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Wire Wrapping Class, Yum...
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
New Beads & Veterans Day...
Well its finally cold here in Northern California, I mean it was cold a couple of days ago it was 54 in the middle of the day...I know what a wimp right? but not used it at all...over the weekend hubby & I took advantage of the nice weather & had a picnic at the park...on Sunday we went to Santa Cruz & got a couple of much deserved massages...
I managed to make some yummy beads in the last week or so even though I have been feeling a bit under the weather...I will have them all posted by 7pm tonight California time in my etsy is a group photo of the beads I am listing today & on Thursday...oh I may add some sterling silver goodies too, so keep an eye out...
I wrote a quick blog & posted some photos on Watch Me Create, check it out when you get a chance...
oh yes the winner of last week bead is jozd5150 please send your address, for this week I have purple & blue flowers on a bed of dichro...yummy, enter to win this bead by making a comment on this post...what was the last fun thing you did in the sun??
Thanks for stopping is good...
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
Finally, New Beads...
I played the role of assistant to Corina, from getting her coffee to certain size stringer to making beads for her to make some awesome design on, I did it all & I was happy to be able to do it...Corina was/is a very talented glass artist & an amazing teacher, queen of all glass beads in my mind, she was also fun to hang out with, very generous & nice...Grace & Frank worked their tales off as well, Frank ran around & made tools & adjustments to all equipment & of course without Grace & her loving nurturing ways, there would be no Graceful Studios, she did so much work to get the place going & made sure we all ate & had fun the whole time...
The class was so successful that most of the students are already signed up for Corina's next class in our studio on Feb 19, 20 & 21st, 2010, where she will be teaching a 3 day class called "Let it Bloom" everything & anything to do with flowers of all kinds, from surface to encased & a few she has never shown before...
And now back to our regularly scheduled program, first off if you have won beads on my site in the past two months and don't have your bead yet, please please send me your address via email & remind me which bead was yours, I have a few sitting here waiting to go to their new homes...
As you may recall a few posts down, I had two beads to giveaway last week, well one of them, the aquamarine rivers bead, the one on the right, I gave to Corina as a gift never remembering that I had offered it here in the drawing, so I will make another one for the lucky winner of that bead which is Stephanie, the other bead the swirly lentil goes to Ginny of Florida...thank you all for playing along...the lovely focal lentil above about 30mm round I made in Turkey in Class while I was teaching, love the way it came out, this one is this week's bead giveaway...enter to win it by making comment on this post, possibly about your last class or workshop experience...
Oh yeah almost forgot I made a ton of beads, photo above shows them together as a group, I am happy to report after years of not making too many Dichroic beads since I was not always getting good results & the glass is expensive to waste, I finally learned from Corina what was the problem, the glass was not the right stuff, Corina brought some with her for the class, I ordered more from Frantz and made a set of my garden beads, inspired by Corina & her Dichroic beads...I listed them & others yummy beads in my shop on Etsy ...some made in Turkey, some made here before & after we hosted Corina at our studio, so you can imagine my mind is full of new ideas & designs, there will be a ton of new beads coming your way as soon as I get some much needed rest...
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Corina & her class were Awesome....
I will pick the winner for the beads and catch up with all the bead listings by Wednesday this coming week...I have to change one of the bead giveaways, as i gave the one on the rigth to Corina as a gift and forgot I had posted it for a giveaway here, sorry all...will try and make anothe one like it... Thanks again for stopping by...
Friday, October 23, 2009
Picking up Corina....

The beads above are both for giveaway this week, two people will win, one each, I pick who gets what, but you can try & let me know why you should get the one you want, enter to win them by making a comment on my blog...I made them while teaching class in Turkey at the awesome Glass Furnace.
The Photos below are of the studio all polished & ready to go, Grace & her hubby did such an awesome job getting the place together & have gone all the way with the new torches, glass & venting systems, not to mention all the yummy foods & goodies Grace has placed in the studio...if you are in area & would like to visit send me an email, we are located at 10730 Center Ave, in Gilroy.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Back from Turkey...
This past Saturday was graduation, many of the students got their certificates the day before after class ended, only the original four & Meneske were able to stay for the ceremony & exhibition day.
I will never forget the amount of fun we all had in the past two weeks...we made so many beads & had a great adventure...I so miss everyone & wish to see them again very soon. my next class at the Glass Furnace is scheduled for May 30th to June 12th of 2010. As usual I will have the two week class, plus two 4 or 5 day advanced classes as well...
Below you will find some random photos of our time at the Glass Furnace...

Thanks for stopping is good...will have beads for you next week...
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Beads & other Goodies from Turkey...
also The Bee Kingdom, an amazing trio of glass artists from Canada & Feleksan Onar an awesome glass artist from Turkey, had two days of glass blowing & presentation here at the Glass Furnace. We were rather awed & very lucky to get to see them do their magic...the students & I made some beads that looked like Bee Kingdom's art & gave them a few as gifts...we are working on making some beads that remind us of Feleksan's art...
These are a few of the beads Gunay made...the lovely Gunay was in my class last year, she has only torched a few times since then, this year she is my assistant & translator in class, she is doing a lot of work free of charge...she is amazing, we could not have had the class without her...
These are a few of the beads Aybuke made...first time on the torch.
These are a few of the beads Elif's made...first time on the torch.
These are a few of the beads Gozde made...first time on the torch.
Driving in to Istanbul...not much traffic that day, which is odd...
Thanks for stopping by...Life is good in Turkey...