Hi all, I am back from Turkey, I had the most fun in one of the best classes I have had in a long time...the Glass Furnace & all of its staff were as nice as ever. Although the weather was colder than the last few times I was there, the grounds & the river were still very lovely to visit...in my two week class I had 4 great students, Aybuke, Elif, Nasrine & Gozde, my class assistant & translator Gunay was with us the whole time too (thanks for all the work girl). In the first 3 day class we also had my new boy friend Alten & his assistant in real life Gulsan in the class as well, then on the last 3 days we had a total of 14 students in class with me & Gunay (16 of us in total) which made for a fun busy room full of glass bead makers...we had so much fun, the picture above was taken on the second day of the advanced class...
This past Saturday was graduation, many of the students got their certificates the day before after class ended, only the original four & Meneske were able to stay for the ceremony & exhibition day.
I will never forget the amount of fun we all had in the past two weeks...we made so many beads & had a great adventure...I so miss everyone & wish to see them again very soon. my next class at the Glass Furnace is scheduled for May 30th to June 12th of 2010. As usual I will have the two week class, plus two 4 or 5 day advanced classes as well...
Below you will find some random photos of our time at the Glass Furnace...

some of the beads I made while in class...

Here we all had fun trying on my sun hat, sadly not too much sun for me to wear it...Gozde had the best hat attitude...

After everyone got their certificates, our class photo...we had all cried a bit at this point...

Aybuke's Exhibit...

Nasrine's exhibit...

Gunay's Exhibit...

Menekse's Exhibit...

Elif's Exhibit...

Gozde's Exhibit...

Gunay, Fulya (last year students, life time friends) & me...

The Bee Kingdom doing their magic...awesome that we got to see them...

Need I say more...I mean Really???

Nasrine plays pool, rather well...my student who came from Iran for the class...

My new friend Gaye, whom I met through my old friend Pinar Hakim, Gaye was the reason we had 10 students for the advanced part of the class, thanks a bunch girl, see you next year...

Student from last year & this year & friend forever Mari-Liis who came from Estonia to have some fun with us...

another shot from Istanbul, this one from the ramp while waiting for the next train to come, watching the big cruise ships on the Bosphorus sea...Turkey is so lovely & did I mention I love the people & the food...
Thanks for stopping by...life is good...will have beads for you next week...