Hi all...I have new beads to share & some news about my next classes...first off we saw 2 great movies this week, which does not happen often so I am sharing..Julie & Julia, it was a fun movie & well done, the other one is District which was awesome & well worth a see...& Over the weekend one of my other moms, who is actually my mom's best friend, had a birthday party for her first grandchild...in the photo you may also see my purple hair...I got it done last week, the pink was all gone...
I made lots of new beads, I will be listing them on etsy, the last of which should be up by about 6:30pm California time Thursday Aug 20th...
Now about the classes...I have been helping my friend Grace open Graceful Customs, here new Glass studio & jewelry workshop in Gilroy California. We will have a big grand opening party soon. I will be teaching & making my beads at the studio on a regular basis. We will also bring other teachers to the studio to teach classes in glass bead making, jewelry design, silver & stone work, just to name a few...
my first class at the school will be on September 20th, it will be my 5 hour beginner lampworking class.
I will be teaching a 2 week class in Istanbul Turkey at the Glass Furnace from September 27th to October 10. many perspective students have said that they can not take two weeks off of their life to take this class...so the school & I have discussed it & added 3 classes for 3 days each inside the same two week period...so if you have signed up for the two week class you will get the full course, the 3 day students will get specific sections of it...
I know it sounds a bit complicated, but trust me it will be great, my friend Gunay will be my assistant & we will have a ton of fun...as a side note, I did not pick the schedule for my class at the Glass Furnace, it is part of the philosophy of the school, total immersion in glass & it works, the two week class we had last year was a great fun experience for me and I believe for the 12 students as well...Send me an email if you have any questions about these classes...
Last week's yummy bead goes to Ginny from FL. this week's yummy bead is an apple core drum bead with bubble eyes...its very yummy...enter to win it by making comment about a fun class you took once...or anything you want to talk about...
Thanks for stopping by...Life is busy but good...