Hope to be back at the torch soon...
The winner of the yummy Landscape bead from last week, picked by a random number picker, is Leslie C. of Canada...for this week I have chosen the Flower Bouquet from my etsy shop...I love this bead, I worked on it for some time...it is lovely, about 22mm round & 8mm thick, with yummy flowers on both sides...enter to win by leaving comment on this post...
On Friday night we went to dinner with my awesome sister & her hubby to the Blow Fish in Santana Row...we laughed so hard for so long & the food was yum...
Totally off subject, I have the TV on in the back ground while i am blogging, I see that they will have the American Idol guys on the Today Show, so I change the channel to Regis, since I can not stand anything to do with American Idol & sure enough some guy, I guess one of the finalist Adam somebody is on...tell me am I the only one on the planet who does not watch this show...? he sounds good & looks funky...
Thanks for stopping by...life is good...hope yours is good too...