Happy Mother's day...New Beads

Hi everyone, how is the weather your way, its been in the high 80s here...we escaped to the movies and saw the Avengers, it was pretty good...full of action & some comedy...some slow moments so each super hero could strut their egos...fun fun...love me some Thor...
I was going to do a blog update, but it seems blogger is not working for me today...so I am sending the newsletter but not updating the blog...
In Bead News: I have listed a few beads in my etsy shop, below is a photo shows off my new beads including the newest SUPER nautilus beads, they are the larger version of my Nautilus beads from my Ribbon Series, I made them on a brand new tool from Graceful Customs, check it out it is yummy...

Open House: Next Sat the 19th of may we are having an open house at our studio in Gilroy California, between 12 and 5pm, there will be demos from me & a couple of other
people, if you like to come by & show us what you are working on that would be great too...some food & some goodies given away every hour...see you at the studio, need directions, have questions, contact me
Bead Giveaway: The bead from the last blog post which is actually made in to a pendant goes to Jacqueline fromFiddledeedee Jewelry thanks so much girl, send your address to my email to win the bead on the top of this newsletter enter by making comment on the latest post on my blog...
Thanks for stopping by & have a great day